I have been roaming our planet for the last 10 years and visited wild and beautiful places. From the wilderness of Alaska, the muddy trails in Tasmania and the dancing aurora borealis in the arctic sky in north Sweden. The feeling of being in those places is almost impossible to put into words. I remember the sound of the wind and the clattering streams. The cold and the freshness and the feeling of solitude. At the moment I live in Belgium but the wild is always calling me back.
But we don’t need to go far to find beauty, wildness and solitude. It is all around us. We just have to go out and explore. Capturing The Wild will try to show you how beautiful and wild our planet is. Even in your own town, village or city. Even in these times where everything seems to be destroyed and polluted.
With photography I will try to visualise the feeling of being out there and the outdoor blog will give you all the information you need to go out and explore. Capturing The Wild hopes to inspire you and ignite a spark inside all of those who visit this website.
“It is in the wild that we find our true nature”